Year 2


Teachers: Mrs Naylor, Mrs James

Teaching Assistants:  Miss Crane, Mrs Duke, Mr Bush


 Spring 2024

Welcome back to another busy term at Great Dunmow Primary School. This information has been put together to keep all parents and carers fully informed of what their children will experience this term.



Year 2 will be learning to explore and write their own adventure stories based on ‘Captain Flinn and the Pirate Dinosaurs’. We will explore a range of language features such as similes, noun phrases, conjunctions and sentence starters. We will also be writing a character description applying these features. We will explore poetry with a focus on Haiku poems on a theme. We will also look at stories with familiar settings using ‘Billy’s Bucket’ and write a new version of it. After half term, we will use our History learning to support our non-fiction writing of recounts and non-chronological reports. This term, we will continue our focus on the application of Phonics through our ELS reading scheme.  



We have started the year with a focus on multiplication and division. We used a variety of methods including grouping, sharing, arrays and number lines to support our calculations. We will have a focus on developing our reasoning skills and applying our mathematical knowledge to word problems. After half term, we will explore money, and simple fractions of amounts and shapes. Children will be taught to find half, quarter, three-quarters and a third. We will introduce a regular arithmetic quiz to recap and consolidate our understanding of addition, subtraction, multiplication and division.



General Information


Please make sure that children come to school with all the relevant P.E equipment: shorts, T-shirt, a tracksuit, plimsolls and trainers. No jewellery is to be worn at any time during P.E sessions and long hair should be tied back. Earrings are to be removed before school on P.E days.


In addition, please ensure your child has a water bottle in class.




  • days are as follows for both classes:
    • Monday
    • Tuesday


  • Reading – Reading records will be checked weekly and books will be changed twice a week.
  • Spelling – Your child will have weekly spellings to learn. These will be tested on a Wednesday each week.
  • Maths - A weekly task will be set for you to complete. This will be linked to the maths we have been working on in class and will be set on Splash Maths.

All written homework should be completed in your Homework book. Homework will be set and submitted via class dojo on your child’s portfolio. Please keep the homework book at home throughout the year.



Upcoming Events in Year 2


     Year 2 WOW day visit to Colchester Zoo – Friday 9th February 2024


 Parents Evenings – Monday 18th & Wednesday 20th March




If you have any further questions and wish to speak to us, please do not hesitate to make an appointment via Class Dojo.


Mrs Naylor & Mrs James


For further information about our curriculum – please see the long term plan below


Please click on this link to access the Year 2 long term plans for 2023/2024