Year 1


Our class teachers are Mrs Stow in Cherry Tree Class and in Holly Tree Class we have Mrs Lock and Mrs Sinnet.

 We also have Mrs Taylor, Mrs Turner, Miss Austin, Mrs Dack and Mrs Pearce who help support our learning. 



 Summer 2024


It is great to see the confidence and enthusiasm that the children have come back to school with this Summer Term!  It is always a busy one with class assemblies, swimming, concerts and sports day!  There is also a phonics screening assessment that will take place in June, which the children are prepared for.  They have been enjoying practising by spotting ‘alien’ nonsense words and using their phonic skills to sound out and blend. We will also help the children to get ready for the next stage of their journey into Year 2.




We will look at a variety of books of books including Oliver’s Vegetables, a selection of poetry and the traditional tale ‘The Three Billy Goats Gruff’.  In this context the children will learn to use verbs and adverbs as well connectives to help make their writing more interesting. They will continue learning and practising reading skills in phonics. Our Shared Reading book is ‘The Mouse Called Wolf’ which will help us to develop essential reading skills as well as learn new vocabulary.




In Maths we will learn about Multiplication and Division, thinking about sharing, grouping and using repeated addition to help embed core knowledge.  We will also look at Fractions, learning about halves and quarters of amounts and quantities.  Our Position and Direction topic will focus on understanding placement e.g. forward, backward, left, right, up and down. We will learn about the concepts of money and time in our measurement unit.  We will continue to use a ‘Mastery’ approach, which means that we will embed skills and knowledge deeply and challenge children through questioning and reasoning rather than moving onto new concepts.  We will also be doing additional maths mastery sessions to revise core concepts.


Foundation Subjects

  • In Science the children will look at ‘plants’ and ‘trees’, considering what they need to grow, and their key parts and functions.  We will also be growing our own potatoes! 
  • In Art we will be following the ‘Garden’ unit, where children will explore different techniques and textures.  They will also look at the artist Picasso.  In DT the children will be looking at techniques they need to build their own structure – in this case, a windmill. 
  • In Computing the children have been introduced to data handling and the benefits of using technology to record information.  They will also be looking at digital imagery and how to take and adapt pictures.  E-safety will be a focus throughout as the children will learn how to use the internet safely. 
  • In Cooking the children will make a fruit kebab and mackerel pate in two separate sessions. 
  • Our history will focus on the Titanic, a unit which never fails to engage the children and help them explore class difference, the changing role of women, reasons for emigration and of course a lot of facts. 
  • In Geography we will explore different types of land and the impact of humans in its use as part of the ‘Why do we love being beside the sea so much’ topic. 
  • In Spanish, the children are exploring stories and the topics of ‘weather’ and ‘sports’. 
  • In Music the children will use glockenspiel and djembe drums to explore key musical concepts including rhythm and pitch.  They will also work on improvisation and composition skills. 
  • In RE, we are learning about Theology ‘what does the cross mean to Christians’ and Philosophy ‘How did the universe come to be’, focusing on Christian and Hindu beliefs. 
  • PE will focus on striking and fielding, dance, swimming and target games.


General Information



Please continue to ensure that your child has their hair tied back and that no jewellery is worn.  Ties and laces – Please help your child to practise putting on their tie and doing up their laces at home. Water bottles, hats and suncream – Please ensure your child has these.


A REMINDER that PE will take place on

  • Monday (Outdoor) 
  • Friday (Indoor)

Please ensure that any earrings are removed on these days if your child can’t take them out themselves, as otherwise they will not be able to participate. PLEASE label all uniform




Reading Books will be changed twice a week (reading for pleasure) and an ebook will be set on Fridays (ELS ebooks).


Please bring your reading book and diary with you each day and indicate in the diary when you have read with your child.  We would like you to read the ebook four times each week.





Will include spelling work and optional maths games.


Absences / home time collection / urgent messages


Should be emailed directly to the School Office during the school day as we may not see a message on classdojo whilst teachingS



Upcoming events in Year One


Class assemblies – Cherry 15th May , Holly 7th May


Sports day – 20th June


Summer concert – 19th July


Non-Pupil Days – 14th June and 17th June



If you have any further questions and wish to speak to your child’s class teacher, please do not hesitate to contact us via Class Dojo or the school office to make an appointment.


Mrs Stow, Mrs Sinnet and Mrs Lock


For further information about our curriculum – please see the long term plan below