Teachers: Miss Grisley in Apple Tree Class and Mr Coleman in Horse Chestnut Class
Teaching Assistants: Mrs Maybanks, Mrs Carter, Mrs Mascall and Miss Ironmonger
Autumn 2024
Welcome back to another busy, exciting and challenging term at Great Dunmow. This information booklet has been put together to keep all parents and carers fully informed of what their children will experience this term.
Year 3 will be linking their writing to Into the Forest by Anthony Browne and The Stone Age. During our lessons, we will be writing a range of narrative and non-chronological texts. In grammar sessions, the children will be learning consonants and vowels, understanding and using conjunctions, using a/an appropriately, recognising and understanding pronouns, personal pronouns and using adverbs of manner.
We begin the year by recapping and learning about place value and understanding the number system. We will also look at addition and subtraction later on in the term. The children will look at a variety of question types and styles to ensure their knowledge is truly embedded.
We will have two maths groups to start the year; both classes will cover exactly the same content, but the speed in which this is covered may vary to suit pupils needs.
The children will learn about: Spanish-speaking countries, festivals and flags, describing hair and eye colour, describing hair styles, Rapunzel and comparing Christmas celebrations in Spain and the UK.
General Information
Please make sure that children come to school with all the relevant P.E equipment: shorts, T-shirt and appropriate footwear for indoor activities and a tracksuit and trainers for games sessions. No jewellery is to be worn at any time during PE sessions and long hair needs to be tied back. Any watches must be removed too. Children will not be permitted to borrow kit from other children.
Please let us know if your child is unable to partake in any PE lesson.
P.E days are as follows for the year group:
In addition, please ensure your child has a water bottle in class.
Both classes will be given the following homework:
Homework will be set on Wednesday and due to be handed in by Wednesday morning the following week. Children should try to complete their work independently as it will all be revision from the weeks work or things previously covered. If they need any support, they should see us before it is due so that we have the opportunity to help them with it.
The pupils need to ensure that they have their reading book and diary with them in school each day. The class teacher will hear them read at least once every three weeks and the class LSAs will also hear them read regularly.
Upcoming Events in Year 3
27th September – WOW Day (Stone Age)
23rd October – Horse Chestnut assembly
24th October – Apple class assembly
16th October – KS2 Disco
11th and 13th November – Parents evenings
12th December – Year 3 Christmas performance 6pm
If you have any further questions and wish to speak to us, please do not hesitate to make an appointment through the school office or send us a message on Dojo.
Many thanks,
Miss Grisley & Mr Coleman
For further information about our curriculum – please see the long term plan below