Year 4 


Welcome to Silver Birch Tree class!

Our class teacher is Miss McGrath 

Welcome to Cedar Tree class!

Our class teacher is Mr Hill


Mrs Osborne, Mrs Craig, Mrs Holman, Mr Nash, Mrs McDavitt, Mrs Martin & Miss Mathieson support our learning.



Summer 2024

Welcome back to the final term in Year 4 for what will be yet another busy, exciting and challenging time at Great Dunmow. This term’s experiences for the children are as follows:



The term has started with a focus on ‘Science Fiction’ which will be covered via The Iron Man by Ted Hughes and ‘Stories from a Different Culture’ will be addressed through Journey to Jo’burg by Beverley Naidoo. We will also focus on the work of Shakespeare through a study of A Midsummer Night’s Dream, finishing off the term with some performance poetry. Through all written work, we will be focussing on the development of key skills to improve organisation (paragraphs) and develop dramatic writing techniques.




We’ll begin by continuing to learn about DECIMALS (including partitioning in 10ths and 100ths, ordering, comparing, rounding and converting fractions to decimals).  Another area of coverage is TIME (including telling the time using 12 and 24 hour clocks, converting digital & analogue time, calculation problems involving time and converting seconds, minutes and hours). Whilst learning about MONEY, the children will cover the concepts of tenths and hundredths. ANGLES & TURN involving identifying and ordering angles, including those in polygons. The final area covered this term is STATISTICS where the focus will be on interpreting and drawing charts and line graphs.




The children will learn about wild & domestic animals, animal habitats, market & restaurant role play and The Three Little Pigs.



General Information



Please make sure that children come to school with all the relevant P.E equipment: shorts, T-shirt and a tracksuit.  They will need plimsolls for indoors PE and trainers for when we go outside. It is particularly important that the children have suitable footwear for the outdoor sessions. No jewellery is to be worn at any time during PE sessions (children need to be able to remove their earrings or will be unable to take part in the lesson) and long hair needs to be tied back. Children will not be permitted to borrow kit from other children. Please let us know if your child is unable to partake in any PE lesson.


In addition, please ensure your child has a water bottle to take with them to PE lessons.


  • days for this term are as follows:
    •  Tuesday  (indoors) 
    •  Wednesday (outdoors) 


  • Reading – Children should be reading for 10 minutes daily and recording in their reading record, where possible.
  • Maths - A weekly task will be set for each group via Morodo. Work will be set on a Monday and is to be completed by the following Monday.
  • Spelling - A weekly set of spellings (taken from the ‘Spelling Shed’ scheme used throughout the school) will be set and reinforcement work is covered in class. This work will be shared on a Monday and tested the following week.
  • Literacy – A weekly task will be set on Mirodo. Work will be set on a Monday and is to be completed by the following Monday.
  • Times Tables – Children should be working on their times tables daily. They need to log in to TTRockstars to participate in tournaments and battles to win prizes!



Upcoming Events in Year 4


Residential – Wednesday 8th – Friday 10th May


Year 4 MTC – Week beginning 3rd June


Essex Schools Food & Farming Day – Tuesday 25th June (letter to follow)


Viking WOW Day – Thursday 4th July


If you have any further questions, and wish to speak to us, please do not hesitate to see us.



Miss McGrath and Mr Hill



For further information about our curriculum – please see the long term plan below