Year 2
Teachers: Mrs Naylor, Mrs James
Teaching Assistants: Miss Crane, Mrs Duke, Mrs Dack and Mrs Pearce
Autumn 2024
Welcome to Year 2 and to another busy and exciting year at Great Dunmow Primary School. This information has been put together to keep all parents and carers fully informed of what their children will experience this term.
Year 2 will be focusing on refining the basic skills of simple sentence structures. We will do this through the exploration of simple texts that children are familiar with, such as, Traditional/Fairy Tales. We will also explore Non-fiction texts through our additional topics. The children will be expanding their vocabulary by investigating different word types and putting these into their writing. We will be looking at a variety of Fiction (stories) and Non-Fiction (instructions, poetry, non-chronological reports and letters). This year will also continue the application of phonics through our ELS reading scheme. We will review the Year 1 sounds and focus on applying these to our reading and writing. We will have a focus on reinforcing the correct letter formation before progressing onto learning cursive handwriting (joining).
Our daily Maths lessons will not only teach the children how to master mathematical strategies but also give them opportunities to apply them when solving mathematical problems. We begin the term by investigating the place value of two-digit numbers and then move onto addition and subtraction, shape and multiplication and division. Throughout the term, we will also explore and practise using mental strategies to solve basic number problems involving the mathematical operations addition and subtraction. We will be continuing to implement our daily maths program ‘Mastering Number’ which should help secure number fluency.
General Information
Please make sure that children come to school with all the relevant P.E equipment: shorts, T-shirt, a tracksuit, plimsolls and trainers. Please could you ensure that all items are clearly named.
No jewellery is to be worn at any time during P.E sessions. Earrings are to be removed before school on P.E days, unfortunately, children cannot partake in lessons if they are not able to remove them. Children with long hair should have this tied back. In addition, please ensure your child has a water bottle in class every day.
Our P.E days are Monday and Tuesday
All written homework should be completed in your Homework book. Homework will be set via class dojo. Please keep the homework book at home throughout the year.
Upcoming Events in Year 2
Lime Tree Class Assembly – Friday 18th October
Maple Tree Class Assembly – Friday 25th October
Year 2 Christmas Performance – Thursday 5th December
If you have any further questions and wish to speak to us, please do not hesitate to make an appointment via Class Dojo.
Mrs Naylor & Mrs James
For further information about our curriculum – please see the long term plan below
Please click on this link to access the Year 2 long term plans for 2023/2024