Year 6


Teachers: Miss McCarthy and Miss Craig

Teaching Assistants:  Mrs Taylor, Mr Scofano, Mrs Amey, Mrs Field


Summer 2024

Welcome back to Year 6’s final term at Great Dunmow. This information  has been put together to keep all parents and carers fully informed of what their children will experience this term.




Year 6 will be looking at narrative writing. We will be focusing on ensuring the children understand how to engage a reader by choosing appropriate language features and tools for effect, In grammar sessions, the children will be recapping and applying learning previously taught to further embed their understanding. Each week the children will continue to have spelling sessions to learn a variety of spelling rules and how to apply them in their writing. Additionally, they will have weekly shared reading sessions to continue to work on their inference skills and overall understanding of a range of texts.





The children will be consolidating the methods and units they have covered this year through a range of problem solving and reasoning questions. They will also be applying this to a range of investigations to further embed their understanding. 



General Information



Please make sure that children come to school with all the relevant P.E equipment: shorts, t-shirt and appropriate footwear for indoor activities and a tracksuit and trainers for games sessions. No jewellery is to be worn at any time during PE sessions and long hair needs to be tied back. Children will not be permitted to borrow kit from other children.


Please let us know if your child is unable to partake in any PE lesson.


In addition, please ensure your child has a water bottle in class.


P.E days are as follows for both classes:



  • Monday (outdoor)
  • Friday (indoor)




Both classes will be given the following homework:


  • Reading – Children need to be reading regularly at home and additionally having a more advanced text read to them for enjoyment. We may set a comprehension-based task for homework sometimes also. 
  • Maths – Questions based on work completed during the week. If you would like to help your child further at home, please practise their times tables, telling the time with an analogue clock and using money in practical situations. This will be set on SATs Companion.
  • GPS - A mixture of the grammar/punctuation from the week. This will be set on SATs Companion.
  • Spelling – Spelling rules/patterns linked to learning from the week. These will be in the format of ‘Spelling Shed’ which is the spelling scheme that is followed throughout the school.

Homework will be set on Wednesday and due to be handed in by the following Wednesday. Children should complete their work independently as it will all be revision from the week’s work or things previously covered. If they need any support, they should see us before it is due so that we have the opportunity to help them with it. Homework will be set using SATs Companion the majority of the time, occasionally it may be on Google Classroom.


The pupils need to ensure that they have their reading book and diary with them in school each day. The class teacher will hear them read at least once every three weeks on a 1:1 basis and the class LSAs will also hear them read regularly.



Upcoming Events in Year 6



9th July – Performance


10th July – Service to school trip


16th July – Summer Ball


19th July – Summer Concert (AM)


19th July – Year 6 leavers assembly (PM)



If you have any further questions and wish to speak to us, please do not hesitate to make an appointment through the school office or send us a message on Dojo.

Many thanks,

Miss McCarthy & Miss Craig


For further information about our curriculum – please see the long term plan below