Data Protection (GDPR)


Data Protection (GDPR 2018 Compliant)
Great Dunmow Primary School has always taken care to protect the personal data of its pupils and parents. The information below is available to help our pupils and parents understand their rights under GDPR and to explain what data we hold, how we use it and our polices and procedures surrounding this. If you have any concerns, queries or requests please address them to the school ( in the first instance. We have appointed Lauri Almond from Essex County Council as our DPO and she is contactable at or by calling 0333 0322970. 

Data Protection Policy Statement

Data Protection Policy

Freedom of Information  Guidance



Privacy Notice

Child Friendly Notice

Your data protection rights

Great Dunmow Primary School fully complies with information legislation.  For the full details on how we use your personal information please click Privacy Notice or call 01371 873184 if you are unable to access the internet.

Data Protection (GDPR)


Data Protection (GDPR 2018 Compliant)
Great Dunmow Primary School has always taken care to protect the personal data of its pupils and parents. The information below is available to help our pupils and parents understand their rights under GDPR and to explain what data we hold, how we use it and our polices and procedures surrounding this. If you have any concerns, queries or requests please address them to the school ( in the first instance. We have appointed Lauri Almond from Essex County Council as our DPO and she is contactable at or by calling 0333 0322970. 

Data Protection Policy Statement

Data Protection Policy

Freedom of Information  Guidance



Privacy Notice

Child Friendly Notice

Your data protection rights

Great Dunmow Primary School fully complies with information legislation.  For the full details on how we use your personal information please click Privacy Notice or call 01371 873184 if you are unable to access the internet.